The Spoon

Directed & Shot By Al Boyd

"The Spoon" is a captivating short film that delves into the world of heritage craft through the skilled hands of green woodworker and craftsperson Dan Lawrence. 

Shot on 16mm Kodak colour film as an exploration into crafting with finite material, this choice not only adds a nostalgic charm but also aligns with the theme of traditional craftsmanship. The use of analog film provides a tangible and authentic texture to the visuals, enhancing the viewer's immersion into Dan Lawrence's craft. As part of a Master's Degree in Filmmaking at The School of Digital Art Manchester, this film not only captures the artistry and dedication behind the creation of handcrafted spoons but also aims to provide both a physical and digital output, bridging the gap between traditional and modern mediums. Through stunning visuals, "The Spoon" celebrates the timeless beauty of handmade objects while highlighting the importance of preserving heritage crafts in our modern world.

Dan Lawrence’s stunning craftsmanship is showcased on his instagram profile, which you can view here.

“The Spoon” was created as the first componant of my MA body of research “Films of Craft and the Craft of Films” - you can read more about this on the full ongoing project page here.